Dale of Merchants – Leaderboard

Rankings for fan tournaments

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Fans of Dale of Merchants can arrange tournaments to participate in the leaderboard. These are simply for the amusement of fans and should not be taken too seriously. A player can take part in a maximum of 3 games each month. You can use the tournament rules when you host these games.


1 Egoitz Campo 377 47 26 Basque Country
2 Salvador Cases 189 25 15 Catalonia
3 Aleix Pons 128 18 7 Catalonia
4 Darlyn Mendoza 105 14 6 Basque Country
5 Daniel Barrientos 92 15 0 Basque Country
6 Jacob Rodriguez 88 13 3 Basque Country
7 Joseba Zubiaurre 58 9 2 Basque Country
8 Alexander Martínez 54 8 2 Nicaragua
9 Guille Delgado 52 6 4 Basque Country
10 Diego Borneo 43 6 2 Venezuela

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11 Andi Erromo 42 7 0 Basque Country
12 Samuel Otero 35 6 0 Basque Country
12 Maximo Kulachenok 35 4 3 Basque Country
14 Monica Vaqueiro 34 5 1 Basque Country
15 Jesus Carballeira 33 4 2 Galicia
16 Unai Pérez 32 6 0 Basque Country
17 Luis Villamor 30 4 1 Basque Country
18 Adrian Saenz 26 3 2 Basque Country
19 Julen Aldai 25 3 2 Basque Country
20 Sarah Palumbo 23 3 2 United States
21 Ander López 22 4 0 Basque Country
22 Karina Chumbes 21 3 0 Perú
23 Randall Peek 20 3 1 United States
23 Galder Etxebarria 20 3 0 Basque Country
25 Guillermo Delgado 19 2 2 Basque Country
26 Beñat Tejedor 17 2 1 Basque Country
27 Martí Jiménez 16 2 1 Catalonia
27 Aitor Armiño 16 2 1 Basque Country
27 Javier Pignoise 16 2 1 Basque Country
30 Joel Segarra 15 2 1 Catalonia
31 Jorge Sánchez 14 2 0 Basque Country
32 Josean Calvo 13 2 0 Basque Country
32 Tomas Beriashvili 13 2 0 Georgia
34 Víktor Bautista 12 2 0 Catalonia
34 Lisandra Cruz 12 2 0 Basque Country
34 Mikel Torde 12 2 0 Basque Country
37 Lalo Kinast 11 2 0 Chile
37 Jon Ander Burgoa 11 2 0 Basque Country
37 Axel Pernett 11 2 0 Colombia
40 Nickolas Pacheco 10 2 0 Perú
40 Matteo Pintonello 10 1 1 Italy
40 Fruits Cesc 10 1 1 Catalonia
40 Carlos Pineda 10 1 1 Venezuela
40 Aitor Galda 10 1 1 Basque Country
40 Antony Burgos 10 2 0 Venezuela
46 Mikel Montiel 9 1 1 Basque Country
47 Iraide Escolar 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 David Montfulleda 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Mercedes Doldán 7 1 0 Paraguay
47 Miguel González 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Pablo Gómez 7 1 0 Valencia
47 Thomas Komair 7 1 0 Lebanon
47 Laura Chouéri 7 1 0 Lebanon
47 Laura González 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Eva González 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Jose Bermejo 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Nuria Álvaro 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Álvar de la Prada 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Anna Gafarró 7 1 0 Catalonia
47 Aúldesort 7 1 0 Catalonia
47 Joseba Prieto 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Atreyo Garmendia 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Kepa Sánchez 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Luis Getxo 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Raul Galán 7 1 0 Basque Country
47 Arturo Diez 7 1 0 Basque Country
67 Jan Hernández 6 1 0 Catalonia
67 Unai Castellano 6 1 0 Basque Country
67 Iera Ortega 6 1 0 Basque Country
67 Bryan Casas 6 1 0 Basque Country
67 Eli Lladó 6 1 0 Catalonia
67 Aritz Ruiz 6 1 0 Basque Country
67 Vivian Barrientos 6 1 0 Basque Country
67 Joseba Pascual 6 1 0 Basque Country
75 Jordi Ametller 5 1 0 Catalonia
75 Bernat Palacios 5 1 0 Catalonia
75 Iratxe Fernandez 5 1 0 Basque Country
78 Joseba Nieto 4 1 0 Basque Country
78 Dion 4 1 0 Albania
78 Jon Ander Gil 4 1 0 Basque Country
78 Garikoitz Casquero 4 1 0 Basque Country
82 Javier Alonso 1 1 0 Basque Country

Rules for points

Each player gains points equal to the amount of stacks when the game ends. Winner gains additional points based on player count.

  • 2 player game, no additional points for the winner
  • 3 player game, 1 additional point to the winner (total of 9 points)
  • 4 player game, 2 additional points to the winner (total of 10 points)

Submit scores


Below is a selection of photos from fan tournaments around the world. If you arrange a tournament and want to get featured on the album below, send photos to info@snowdaledesign.fi.