Deck selection tool
Multiple ways to pick decks for Dale of Merchants
You can use this tool to either pick an entirely random combination of decks for Dale of Merchants or to suggest a combination based on your preferences. In case of the latter, the tool follows your wishes to the best of its ability, but less games to pick from and more extreme criteria chosen will make it harder to find a suitable combination.
Someone's first game ever
Let everyone play their own game
No stealing allowed
As little randomness as possible
Themed sets
Prebuilt deck combinations
We’ve assembled some themed deck combinations for you to try. Each of the sets below is designed to provide a very different experience from the last! In each set, we recommend picking the topmost decks according to your player count. Note that these sets assume that you own all of the games in the series, so if there’s a deck you don’t have, pick the next deck or a suitable replacement.