Peacemakers: Horrors of War – FAQ
Frequently asked questions
This page displays answers to frequently asked questions about Peacemakers: Horrors of War.
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Table of Contents
- General questions
- Resource card questions
- Resource and horror card questions
- Motivation questions
- Scenario 1
- Scenario 2
- Scenario 3
- Scenario 4
- Scenario 5
- Scenario 6
General questions
If an effect lets me reroll, and I do, do I have to use the new result?
Resource card questions
When I play an ongoing scheme which requires a nearby army or unit, when do I have to be nearby them?
When you play the card. It doesn’t matter if you or the unit moves away later. Place the card near the affected unit or army until it is fully resolved.
With Guidance, can I move cards from discard piles?
No. You can only move cards to different places within their respective decks. Any cards faceup should be left faceup and any cards facedown should be left facedown.
With Mixed Groups, what happens if I play multiple copies on the same army on the same turn?
The last card played is the one in effect.
Resource and horror card questions
How long do cards with ongoing effects stay in play?
Until their effect has been fully resolved. Some ongoing effects are passive which influence the game until their written condition discards them, while some are simply delayed one-time effects.
Motivation questions
Can a side’s motivation [MOT] increase over 15?
Is the bonus motivation [MOT] from towers and fortresses already accounted in the starting motivations [MOT]?
How does the motivation [MOT] from towers and fortresses work exactly?
If a side without any units on a specific tower or fortress moves their first unit onto such space, they gain 1 or 2 motivation [MOT] respectively.
If a side's last unit on a specific tower or fortress moves their last unit away from the space (or is defeated), they lose 1 or 2 motivation [MOT] respectively.
If both sides, for any reason, manage to get units on the same tower or fortress space, both sides will have the motivation [MOT] bonus.
If a side's last unit on a specific tower or fortress moves their last unit away from the space (or is defeated), they lose 1 or 2 motivation [MOT] respectively.
If both sides, for any reason, manage to get units on the same tower or fortress space, both sides will have the motivation [MOT] bonus.
Scenario 1
When does the ocelot's Strike [G_CIR] lower their motivation [MOT]?
When the strike itself defeats any units during the round it is resolved. It does not matter if there were previously defeated macaws or not.
Scenario 2
Are the spectacled bears allowed to enter spaces with scarlet macaws?
Yes. Their order cards give them the permission to do so.
How far can tuataras attack?
With Defend the Ship!, tuataras attack within their regular range [RAN] of 2.
With Fire the Cannon!, tuataras attack on the map book spaces marked with the purple die symbol [DRE].
With Fire the Cannon!, tuataras attack on the map book spaces marked with the purple die symbol [DRE].
What happens if tuataras use Fire the Cannon! to attack a space with both spectacled bears and scarlet macaws?
Resolve an attack against each unit on the space simultaneously. For each unit, take their possible defence [DEF] and fortifications [FOR] into account while calculating the resulting damage. Each removed fortification token [FOR] reduces the incoming damage to each unit on the space.
Furthermore, even if some but not all units have enough defence [DEF] to lower the incoming damage to zero, still remove fortifications [FOR] based on the unit with the smallest defence [DEF].
Furthermore, even if some but not all units have enough defence [DEF] to lower the incoming damage to zero, still remove fortifications [FOR] based on the unit with the smallest defence [DEF].
Scenario 3
There are no questions for scenario 3 yet.
Scenario 4
There are no questions for scenario 4 yet.
Scenario 5
Do fortifications [FOR] lower damage from strawberry poison frogs' Poisoning?
No. Fortifications [FOR] only work on attacks.
Scenario 6
Do fortifications [FOR] lower damage from strawberry poison frogs' Poisoning?
No. Fortifications [FOR] only work on attacks.