Lands of Galzyr – FAQ & errata

Frequently asked questions

This page displays answers to frequently asked questions about Lands of Galzyr. Questions regarding individual cards may contain spoilers and are hidden under a button.

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Table of Contents

General questions

How much gold [GLD] does each adventurer start with?

Fresh adventurers start with 10 gold [GLD] as listed in the Welcoming Letter. Others begin with the gold [GLD] they had left at the end of their previous game, as shown on their adventurer board.

When a scene has effects which affect skill checks, when can I use those effects?

You can use those effects at any time during the skill check.

Is the road north of Hezembi connected to the city?

Yes. Thematically there’s a ferry connecting the city to the other side of the river.

When I'm a partner, do I have to apply all my card effects, like hastening and delaying specific cards with certain skill checks?

No. You may choose to give access to your cards on a one-by-one basis. But if you give them access to any card, they can use it until the end of the scene as if it was theirs, including any mandatory effects.

When a card asks me to replace it with a different card, where do I put the original card?

To the same place where you are asked to take the new card. This is usually the library [LBR].

Saving the game

What happens to the timed effects that have timer tokens on the calendar at the end of the game?

As instructed in the saving rules [SV], all timer tokens are removed without resolving their associated timed effects. Any timed effects get reset to their full duration in the next game.

Note that some timed effects also have the save icon [SV], meaning that they do trigger at the end of the game.

In which order should I resolve save effects [SV] if different orders would result in different outcomes?

In the rare case this happens, decide the order randomly.

Card questions

[CRD]000 - Show questions

When can Bumir use his Unyielding Spirit [CRD]000?

Bumir can use it after a skill check has been resolved, right before the story master reveals the outcomes. This means that Bumir can't use any card effects to manipulate this new roll, nor can he reroll his new dice pool.

[CRD]010 - Show questions

The save effect [SV] in October [CRD]010 asks to shuffle [CRD]088 into the event deck from the library [LBR]. What if [CRD]088 is not in the library [LBR]?

In that case, you can ignore that part of the effect. It's normal for [CRD]088 to be in the vault [VLT] or already in the event deck.

Remember to still replace October [CRD]010 with November [CRD]011.

[CRD]026 - Show questions

If I convert a Convince skill check into a Gamble check, am I forced to use the Gamble ability of the card?

No. Verb boxes with light brown backgrounds are optional. Do note that if you decide to convert the check, you are unable to use any Convince verb boxes.

[CRD]036 - Show questions

Can I move to a settlement [STT] with the Cannon if I do not have 2 gold [GLD]?

No. You must be able to pay 2 gold [GLD] in order to move to a settlement [STT] during your travel. Note that this effect does not apply if you enter a settlement [STT] by other effect after the travel.

Remember that you're allowed to discard any items, including the Cannon, at any time.

[CRD]051 - Show questions

What does “you cannot assist” mean?

You cannot become a partner in another adventurer’s scene.

Note that someone sharing the same space with you can still join your scene as your partner.

[CRD]053 - Show questions

Can I spend 2 gold [GLD] multiple times at a settlement to hasten my Wounded status more than once?

Yes. Card effect usage is only limited during scenes or by the card itself.

What happens if I’m already Wounded and would get Wounded again while also having an effect that prevents it (for example, Marlina [CRD]149 or Fashionable Tunic [CRD]100)?

You keep the old status and its remaining timer. The card effect is worded in the same way as the rule about receiving an identical status, but card effects take priority over the rulebook and therefore happen first.

[CRD]056 - Show questions

Freezing reduces the number of dice I can use by 2. Does that apply to card effects that provide rerolls as well?

No. Freezing only affects the number of dice available to you, not how you manipulate them with various effects.

[CRD]060, [CRD]061 - Show questions

If I have Inner Peace or Inner Fire status [CRD_ADV] and change the tested skill (for example, Power of Mind [CRD_KER]000) and thus have to discard the card during the check, do I still get 1[SCC]?

Yes. You can use card effects before or after rolling and rerolling. Therefore, if you can or must use multiple effects on the same card during a skill check, you choose the order.

If I'm a partner with Inner Peace or Inner Fire and the active player resolves a skill check that would hasten my status, do I have to hasten it?

No. You may choose to give access to your cards on a one-by-one basis. If you don't lend your Inner Peace or Inner Fire when it's disadvantageous to do so, it doesn't get hastened.

[CRD]088 - Show questions

I'm asked to take [CRD]088 from the library [LBR] but it's not there. Is something wrong?

No. It's normal for [CRD]088 to be in the vault [VLT] or already in the event deck. You can ignore this part of the effect.

[CRD]112, [CRD]113, [CRD]114 - Show questions

Kharimia's Vacation quest cards have specific spaces marked on them. If I move directly from one to another (for example via Docks), do I have to abandon the quest and return Kharimia [CRD]280 to the library [LBR]?

No. As long as your adventurer figure moves from one of the marked spaces to another, Kharimia [CRD]280 stays with you.

Do I have to abandon Kharimia's Vacation quest and return Kharimia [CRD]280 to the library [LBR] during save [SV]?

No. Just make sure to start the next game in a location marked on the quest card or you do have to abandon the quest and return Kharimia [CRD]280 to the library [LBR].

[CRD]115, [CRD]116, [CRD]117, [CRD]118 - Show questions

What does “you cannot assist” mean?

You cannot become a partner in another adventurer’s scene.

[CRD]139 - Show questions

Kharimia's Vacation quest cards have specific spaces marked on them. If I move directly from one to another (for example via Docks), do I have to abandon the quest and return Kharimia [CRD]280 to the library [LBR]?

No. As long as your adventurer figure moves from one of the marked spaces to another, Kharimia [CRD]280 stays with you.

Do I have to abandon Kharimia's Vacation quest and return Kharimia [CRD]280 to the library [LBR] during save [SV]?

No. Just make sure to start the next game in a location marked on the quest card or you do have to abandon the quest and return Kharimia [CRD]280 to the library [LBR].

[CRD]167 - Show questions

What does “you cannot assist” mean?

You cannot become a partner in another adventurer’s scene.

[CRD]174 - Show questions

When can I move with the Hot-air Balloon?

During a calendar phase, if your figure is on the same space the Hot-air Balloon points to.

When the Hot-air Balloon comes into play, a space is specified. Place the card such that its top left corner points to that space, just like with all local status cards.

When the Hot-air Balloon moves, where does it move?

To the next location, bigger or smaller, depending on which [CRD]174 it is.

Each location consists of 1 - 3 location cards and has a name printed on the game board. For example, Rienshtum is a single location, consisting of 3 cards.

[CRD]200 - Show questions

When can I discard Coffee, and what benefits can I use?

You can discard Coffee at any time (unless you’re in the middle of a special option from having Coffee).
  • If you have a Freezing status [CRD_ADV], return it to the library [LBR].
  • If you are in a Knowledge [KNW] or Perception [PRC] skill check, you get 2[SCC].
  • If both conditions apply, you get both benefits.

[CRD]276 - Show questions

If I have an Exhausted status and use the Underground tunnels to transport between two hill spaces while not moving outside of that, can I discard the Exhausted status?

Yes. Exhausted status states that you may discard it if you did not move. Underground Tunnels specifically transports your figure, instead of moving.

[CRD]280 - Show questions

With the timed effect, what happens if I roll a 7 or higher?

Nothing. With a roll of 1 - 6, you take a card from the library but with 7 or higher, nothing extra happens. Still, remember to delay the timer token on the calendar.

Errata – Card 295 – Jaffim

Card [CRD]295 contains an oversight. If your game has the exact version number SWG221301 or SWG231302 printed on the back of the box, near the barcode, your copy is affected.

In a certain situation, a companion might get stuck in the vault [VLT] and never appear again. If you suspect this might be the case for you, you can check and fix it by doing the following steps:

  • Is card [CRD]294 is in the vault [VLT]?
  • Is card [CRD]295 in the library [LBR]?
  • If the answer to both is yes, move card [CRD]294 to the library [LBR].

Here’s how the timed effect on card [CRD]295 should work:

Move [CRD]294 from [VLT] to [LBR]. Discard.

Together with the upcoming expansion, we will issue a free update pack which includes the updated card. In the meantime, you can print this sticker and place it over the timed effect of card [CRD]295.

Errata – Resetting the game

The rulebook of the first print run contains a small oversight. If your game has the exact version number SWG221301 printed on the back of the box, near the barcode, your copy is affected.

Resetting individual adventurers (page 15) can in rare cases remove an important card from the global save slot [GLB]. These are the new, updated rules of the step 2:

Take all cards with the adventurer’s icon (next to the card number) from the global save slot [GLB] and other adventurers’ save slots.

Read the cards, resolve all save effects [SV] on them, and then place the cards to the library [LBR].

If you have reset an adventurer (not the whole game) using the old rules, check that the global save slot [GLB] has one of the 27 cards in the following list in it. If not, shuffle [CRD]089 from the library [LBR] into the event deck [CRD_EVN].

  • [CRD]089 – [CRD]098 (Event [CRD_EVN])
  • [CRD]184 – [CRD]198 (Local status [CRD_LCL])
  • [CRD]228 (Location)
  • [CRD]240 (Location)